My DDPYoga transformation!

Friday, 27 December 2013

In which our hero cooks a traditional English dish, and experiements with a festive favourite!

Howdy folks!

So as it's the festive season and all, we're going to have a recipe double-header! First off, an old English favorite, Cottage pie!

Wanna find out how this awesome dish was made AND find out how you can enjoy a festive mince pie whilst staying gluten and dairy free, find out after the jump!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Friday, 13 December 2013

In which our hero....fails to blog...:(

gah!  ok folks, looks like I'm not going to get an DDPYOGA blog done this week.  My recording time (, in other words) is being interrupted by what sounds like an industrial water cannon outside.  As cobh is very unlikely to ever experience a riot, I'm guessing they're street cleaning.  A plank vid is being recorded tomorrow though, so stay tuned!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Friday, 29 November 2013

In which our hero proves to be soup obsessed, but livens it up with chicken with a BANG!

Howdy folks!

So first off, I gotta credit this recipe to the very lovely lady September, and if any of you ladies out there wonder what kind of improvements you get to a female body from DDPYoga (hey there are some things a guy just can't provide :) , sign up to look up September (no last name needed with a name that unique) and prepare to have your mind *blown* with her day 150 pictures!  Doing awesome darlin! 

Now, wanna see how to cook this amazing looking dish! Find out after the jump!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Vlog - 26/11/2013 - In which our hero talks about stuff in a non-linear fashion!

Howdy folks!

It's a meandering, but all in all very positive update to my DDPYoga week!  Take a look after the jump!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

In which our hero does far too many workouts in the space of a day!

Howdy folks!

So the challenge was to do each of the workouts on set 1 of the DDPYoga DVDs...Find out how I get on after the jump!

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

In which our hero completes day 3 of his 5 day DC challenge!

Howdy folks!

We're over the hump!  Check out my progress on this one (with a bonus twist!) after the jump!

Monday, 4 November 2013

In which our hero slips you all a little (beef) tongue!

Howdy folks!

So wow, did the reaction to announcing this one surprise me a lot.  Quite a few people who are very much into knowing exactly what they're eating, also apparently like their meat cuts to be good and anonymous. They don't know just how rich a cut of meat they're missing out on, nor just how easy it is to do!

So just how easy is it?   Let's find out after the jump!

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Questions from the (Vertical!) Plank Episode 9 - What's your 'up' music for when you work out?

Howdy folks!

So trying something a little new today, in the name of more handstand practice, it's a vertical plank!

Find out more after the jump!

Monday, 28 October 2013

In which our hero gets seasonal and messes around with some pumpkin dishes!

Howdy folks!

So, whilst it might be normal in the US to have pumpkin at this time of year, here in the UK and Ireland they tend to get bought to be carved for Halloween, but not eaten.  As it's been a year of new food and new experiences for me, I bought one to play with, and came up with a few dishes.  All looking as awesome as this!

Wanna see how I made this and 3 other dishes? Find out after the jump!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Questions from the Plank Episode 8 - How do you make sure you stay 'on the wagon' with your workouts?

Howdy folks!

Some nasty software issues kept me from posting this earlier and from recording a full blog this week, my apologies once again!  At some point the planets may align and we'll actually get a full week of recordings from me!

Anyway on with the show, today's question is from the lovely Paula from  watch it after the jump!

Monday, 21 October 2013

In which our hero proves you don't need dairy to make a creamy Lentil and Apricot soup!

Howdy folks,

So yeah, as the title says, tell anyone you're a soup lover who also eats Dairy (and gluten for that matter) free, and you'll probably hear a lot about how that isn't compatible.

Well today I'm going to prove very much the opposite,  wanna learn how to make this?  Find out how after the jump!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Questions from the Plank Episode 7 - How do I avoid or deal with temptations and cravings?

After a *far* too long gap,  Questions from the Plank returns with a question from my lovely recovering lady Susan!

Check it our after the jump!

Saturday, 12 October 2013

In which our hero prepares a little Mac 'n (cow) dairy free Cheese!

Howdy folks!  So this is the first recepie I'm listing on here and it's a bit of an experiment, so if you like them being here, let me know!

Looks awesome huh?  Wanna see how it was done? Check it out after the jump!

Friday, 11 October 2013

Vlog - 11/10/2013 - In which our hero talks about a chaotic week in a random pose....

Howdy folks! 

So first off before you watch the vid, go check out the cool sneak preview here:

Feel free to add me as a friend on Facebook if you haven't already :) Join me after the jump for the vid!

Friday, 4 October 2013

Vlog - 04/10/2013 - In which our hero completes a new workout and talks scheduling!

Howdy folks! 

Today was a very special day in my DDPYoga journey, my first attempt at Double Black Diamond! 

Find out how I got on after the jump!

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Vlog - 26/09/2013 - In which our hero totally misses the metaphor in 'many hills left to climb'...

Howdy folks!

Special blog this week! I take you *outside* WOW!

Actually, you do get to see where I live if that interest you, and if you want to find out why I was outside, check out the video after the jump!

Friday, 20 September 2013

Vlog - 20/09/2013 - In which our hero updates you all on his DDPYoga week, and talks excuses...

Howdy folks!

It's time for another blog!  This week we talk the top 5 excuses for not doing DDPYoga....and why they're total BS....see after the jump!

Friday, 13 September 2013

Vlog - 13/09/2013 - In which our hero updates you all on his AWESOME DDPYoga week, and talks food...

Howdy folks!

It's extended Blog time again! Slightly shorter one this week. 

First of though,  and it's in the vid, but for anyone that doesn't watch, my blog now has over *1000* total views! WOOOT!

Huge thanks to all of you that keep coming back to follow my journey!

Check out the latest vids after the jump!

Monday, 9 September 2013

In which our hero looks at new photos!

Howdy folks,

It's new progress photo day!

So the target, as it were for this month, was to try and keep consistent while I had most of the month on vacation and that's *mostly* happened.  I'm in a weird transitional phase between losing weight and gaining muscle, and my body trying to workout what shape it wants to be....check em out after the jump!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Questions From The Plank Episode 5 - Who/What keeps you going on your DDPYoga Journey?

Howdy folks!

Another episode for ya!  The episode is coming a little bit earlier than usual as I'm not doing a longer blog this weekend.  I took a bit of R and R to get over the back to back visits of my parents and my in-laws. 

My parents are *both* doing extremely well on their first week on DDPYoga, so huge shout out to them, and as I do mention it in the video, if you're thinking of starting DDPYoga and haven't already, sign up to for a ton of information and a great community including my fine self (and my parents!)

So without further ado....

Monday, 2 September 2013

In which our hero gives some helpful tips for new beginngers!

Howdy folks!

So this didn't quite make it into the video, cause I hadn't spoken to them but as we speak...

My Mum is hitting the Diamond Dozen....


Thanks so much to all the encouragement that everyone has given her and my dad, it means a huge amount to them, and to me too!

In fact, in honour of my parent's achievement today, I decided it was a good time to revisit a topic I'd written about for beginners!  Check it our after the jump....

Friday, 30 August 2013

Questions From The Plank Episode 4 - How do I improve my leg-lift stretch?

Howdy folks!

Yeah, yeah, I know, this video is *way* late.  It's been a crazy few weeks with both my parents visiting and Suse' parents visiting from tomorrow.  The good news is I kept the DDPYoga going! But yeah my filming schedule suffered a little.

The good news is everything should now be back on track! So without further ado....this weeks Question From The Plank!  Enjoy it after the jump!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

In which our hero has a visit from his parents....and tries to pay it forward...

Howdy folks!

This is probably the most important video (to me) that I've posted on here, and whilst it's aimed at 2 individuals by definition, it's actually equally important to me that it's seen by a lot of people...and maybe it can help some of you accomplish the same thing.

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Questions From The Plank Episode 3 - What do you eat on a 'normal' day?

Howdy folks!

A very late episode of questions from the plank this week, owing to re-fliming and me being on stay-cation (my parents are over visiting me from the UK)

I'm going to have at least 1 more video up this week, which will be my parents (extremely British) reaction to seeing me for the first time since I started my DDPYoga journey.  That's going to replace my extended Blog for this week.

I'm also still very much looking for questions for Questions From The Plank, and actually need one for next week!  If you think you've got something that would be suitable (all it needs to be is answerable in 2-3 minutes and related to me and/or my DDPYoga journey)...please drop it into the comments below.

Monday, 12 August 2013

In which our hero puts up some more progress photos!

Howdy folks!

A couple of record quality issues mean that Questions From The Plank is going to get redone on Wednesday (although for the record, my plank was 2' 11'') so I guess I need something else to put up...

Maybe my monthly progress photos that I took this morning?  Ha! Good call!

Not doing to comment too much here, only to say that there's some great progress and I'll take the time to add them to the main page images when I get a spare second!

Friday, 9 August 2013

In which our hero summaries his last week and talks flexibility!

Howdy folks!

Not much to say that's no in the video and the pictures here, so feast your eyes on my day 1-180 flexibility progress!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Questions From The Plank Episode 2 - How does DDPYoga differ from normal yoga?

Howdy folks!

Thanks to Isabel for the question!  Feel free to leave a comment with your own!

As I seem to mention it pretty much constantly in the's the link once again to

Friday, 2 August 2013

In which our hero summarises his week and talks for entirely too long about food!

Howdy folks!

Today's video requires a little reference material!

First here's a link to which I mention often today.

Second, as we're talking about food, I decided it'd be awesome to let you see where I started at, and how far I've come in 6 1/2 months.

 These pics do just that:

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Questions From The Plank Episode 1 - A question from DDP!

Howdy folks!

First of all, thanks for the *very* positive response to my first Vlog.  One of the main bits of feedback I got was that people loved me talking whilst seeing how long I could hold the plank position.  So I decided to make that a weekly thing! The first episode is right below, hope you all enjoy!

If you have any questions about my DDPYoga journey, or DDPYoga in general, add them to the comments, drop me a note on Facebook, or drop me a message on  I'm going to answer 1 question a week (answers will get more detailed as my plank improves!), and the vid will go up every Sunday.

I'm going to do a longer video each week (which will probably come out on a Friday having been recorded on Thursday), which will be a weekly update on where I'm at with DDPYoga for the week, and either a look back at my journey to this point, or I'll cover a specific topic such as food, or flexibility in more detail. This too will be based on requests if I get any, so if you want to hear me talk more in depth on something, just let me know.

And don't forget, those of you who were sent here by friends and wonder what all the fuss is about, just go to and start owning your life!

Thursday, 25 July 2013

In which our hero tries his hand at Vlogging, and introduces himself for new watchers!

Hi folks!

I'll introduce myself properly in the video at the bottom of this page, but before I get to that, I wanted to put up a brief introduction, and a few links to those of you who don't know what DDPYoga is.

DDPYoga is a mixture of Yoga positions Old School Calisthenics and 'dynamic resistance' workouts, created by former pro-wrestler and WCW Champion Diamond Dallas Page.  It's been part of my life for the past 6 1/2 months and has improved it in ways I couldn't imagine.  I was 375lbs when I started, to find out what I am now you'll have to watch the video!