My DDPYoga transformation!

Friday, 2 August 2013

In which our hero summarises his week and talks for entirely too long about food!

Howdy folks!

Today's video requires a little reference material!

First here's a link to which I mention often today.

Second, as we're talking about food, I decided it'd be awesome to let you see where I started at, and how far I've come in 6 1/2 months.

 These pics do just that:


I'm sure you can guess which side is day 1 :)

And now to the video!  Apologies for the slightly inconsistent lighting, and you'll need to crank your speakers cause it's still a *little* quiet.  Working on it, they'll get better!


  1. Thanks Mark :)
    I don't drink alcohol (well, I did have one margarita while on holiday and it tasted nice but I can do without). And I am dairy intolerant, so no milk anyway. I tried to cut gluten and everybody is looking weirdly at me (also because I eat plant based/vegan) but maybe I can cut more there. I do eat a lot of tofu but have never read that there is gluten in there when I check the label, what does have gluten is those vegetarian sausages you find and as any processed stuff it's best to avoid. I was wondering if you were shopping in the gluten free isle, I find this is just a money maker anyway, especially if they label tomato sauce as gluten free, just buy tomatoes and make it yourself, right? And a lot of it is just highly processed and contains my favorite scapegoat of all time: high glucose fructose syrup. I eat a lot of beans as I don't eat meat and also have measuring cups for them. I actually geeked out when they arrived ;)
    Portion control, as you say, is very important and I was amazed by how little you sometimes need when you are on vacation and what you do when you are back in your own life. So well, I will give cutting out gluten another try :)
    Thanks for your answers :)

  2. Heya,

    So yeah, I'd avoid the 'free from' ranges for exactly the reason you mentioned, making your own tomato sauce is way better (and tastes it).

    I'd avoid fructose sryup as much as humanly possible. Tofu is gluten free in and of itself, but yeah, worth a label check :)

    I answered your second question in the latest questions from the plank:

    Enjoy :)
