My DDPYoga transformation!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

In which our hero has a visit from his parents....and tries to pay it forward...

Howdy folks!

This is probably the most important video (to me) that I've posted on here, and whilst it's aimed at 2 individuals by definition, it's actually equally important to me that it's seen by a lot of people...and maybe it can help some of you accomplish the same thing.

I'm not going to bury the lead except to say as I did in the video *any* words of encouragement or advice you can add after this are very much appreciated by me and their intended recipient.  I'd also of course appriciate it if you shared this one around as much as possible.

FYI, as I don't mention it in the video, if you'd like to address them by name, they're Mike and Audrey.  Also, you may need to crank the volume on the first clip, cause my usual audio improvement fix isn't working on it.

Without further ado...


  1. Mark, how wonderful to have a visit from your folks! I did see your dad eyeballing you in the first clip,l whether he gushed or not :)
    And please tell them for me, I will be watching with interest. I'm proud of you, and very excited for your mom and dad. Their lives will never be the same.
    I'm in my 50's and I've enjoyed every moment of this journey since I started it six months ago. They'll do fine!

    Way to go, mum and dad! You have a terrific son here! ;) he's a favorite of mine

    blessings, HeidiSue from team ddpyoga website

  2. Mark, So excited for your parents! As a woman over 50, I wish your parents all the best! They are going to have such an amazing journey to better health! I can't wait to see their results and hear their stories and see them visiting all of us in the team DDPyoga chat!!!

    They are going to ROCK this!!!! Way to go to them for agreeing!!! And way to go to you for being an awesome son!

    September from team ddpyoga website.

  3. Going to add this comment for Katrina as she was having trouble posting it and left it on my Team DDPYoga wall:

    Mark, this is a comment for your parents. I can't comment on your blogity too bad, accept it!

    Mike and Audrey, first off, congrats on getting into this. You got a heck of a son (and daughter-in-law) who have your back on this! Whatever you do, do NOT get discouraged! It does get better, as time goes on you'll find yourself modifying less. Keep at it!

    There's a saying that's something along the lines of "fall down seven times, pick yourself up eight". There may be days you skip workouts, eat poorly, or fall back into old habits. It happens. Don't beat yourselves up over it, brush yourself off and try again the next day.

    You both get so much love and respect right now for starting this journey. We're all pulling for you!

    Again, I'll stress this. There is NO SHAME in modifying the moves. Mike - if you're doing something that makes your knee angry (I myself have never had knee replacement surgury, but I've had other knee troubles over the years), back off and modify it in a way you can do it. Audrey, same goes with you. Listen to your body. But please, stick with it. You guys CAN do this.

  4. Mike and Audrey,

    I know Mark loves you SO MUCH to put this out there on his blog. What I want you to know is take it slow and don't compare yourself to anyone. Just try, and do some every day. If you don't want to, do it anyway, just a little. Over time it will get easier and you'll be so glad you did.

    Best wishes to your whole family,

  5. Hey folks!

    A comment left from my dad on team DDP for those of you that can't see it:

    Audrey and I would like to say thank you for the warm messages of support. We already knew how special Mark and Susan were, as well as our other son Andrew, but it's lovely to know that there are such lovely people out there. Thank you
