My DDPYoga transformation!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

(not quite a) Vlog 18/10/14 - In which our hero CAN talk...but he's typing anyway

Howdy folks!

Phew I'm exhausted. But workout (extremely poorly) done, my floors are vacuumed and mopped, Lathander and Suse are in bed, and I'm actually getting the chance to write a blog!

Yep...tis a written blog again! I'm afraid right now with everything that's happening I just don't have the time to record and edit (yes, those videos are actually edited) a video blog, so reading it is!
So let's play the good, the bad and the ugly on the last couple weeks! Reverse order of course:

The ugly

Had a second bout of the flu which took me out of comission for a while, and have a slight tweak in my back right now that's keeping me from stretching it fully. It's healing up nicely though, and I'm 100% flu free!

The bad

Hmm...well my workout today sucked. I actually think the problem here is how my schedule is built, so going to be altering that below. I'll throw in Lathander having been a moody butthole all day, but only because it's the end of said day and I'm exhausted :)

The good

So weight wise I'm down to, the road to 200 continues! Need to keep that up/accelerate it in the coming weeks though.

Today aside, I'm full tilt back into my DDPYoga schedule, which kicks ass!

Certification and classes are coming along nicely. Almost ready to record a level 1 submission video! Just gotta get a few more ducks in a row. Seeing some awesome commitment from the people I'm training You rock guys!

I've added one of the EXTREME workouts to my rotation! HBK ftw baby!

So, onto the scheduling....I'm oddly enough dropping the level 1 workout to twice a week instead of three times. So here's the old schedule:

Sunday: SU/RHC (or BTB/RHC)
Monday:Level 1 workout
Wednesday:'Free day' either a day off or mix-tape
Thursday: Level 1 workout
Friday: DC
Saturday: Level 1 workout

Look there, look at that thurs-sat run right there....little wonder the Level 1 on saturday can be tough at times! So to change that I'm going to start doing rotas for 2 weeks instead of one. Here's how it's looking:

Sunday: HBK tutorial
Monday:Level 1 workout
Thursday: Level 1 workout
Friday: DC
Saturday: RHC
Sunday: HBK tutorial
Monday:Level 1 workout
Thursday: Level 1 workout
Friday: DC
Saturday: RHC

So, we're going to see how that goes for a fortnight. Looks challenging, but I think I got this. Here's hoping that weight loss keeps going the way it has been too!

So, until the next time I get to update this (I know I know)...PEACE! I'm out!

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

(not quite a) Vlog 10/09/14 - In which our hero can't talk...but he *can* type!

Howdy folks!

So it's been far too long since I blogged, and whilst I can't talk right now (we'll get to why in a second) it occurred to me that I can type, so y'all can't get rid of me that easy :)

So why can't I talk? I has the flu :( :( :( So if this whole deal comes off as a teeny bit less bouncy than usual, bare with me, I'm coping :)

It's the first flu I've had since I started doing DDPYoga, so I'm not gonna complain, but man o man has it laid me low. The timing sorta sucked as not only do I have a 5 week old baby I couldn't go near for a couple days, but it was also the first time his Nan and Gramps (my parents, rather than Suse') had visited. I also haven't been working out and, quite frankly have been sorta eating whatever food has been put in front of me. Not blaming anyone other than myself, but I probably gained some weight. But that brings me to my topic :)

So....I've made some awesome awesome progress in teaching DDPYoga in the last 2-3 months (and apologies to my students for cancelling classes this week!) . But I've also been kinda treading water personally with the weight loss and fitness progress. To quote my accountability partner 'too many good excuses', and that's damned right. I've had plenty of very good reasons to slack off a little, but the thing about a good reason is it's a stone's throw away from a bad one, and I'm not going to play that little game. Not anymore.

So what's the upshot of all this, how do I turn the negatives into positives, to turn that frown upside down? Easy stuff, it's target time!

So here we go! First thing tomorrow, I'm going to do my measurements AND my weigh in....side note, for the first time in like, a year and 9 months, I have NO idea why my weight is, I mean I ate nothing for 48 hours then started eating the comfort food...that can't possibly be good....I'll guess 235, then I'll cringe less later.

The fact is, I don't CARE what the scales say tomorrow, the target is this.....

By my second DDPYoga anniversary (6th Jan next year) I will weigh 200lbs or less!

And actually, this is no on else's business, but the hell with it, whilst I'm setting targets....

I'll be out of credit card debt by then too (so close to this, just need to shove myself over the cliff)

How am I going to accomplish this? Well, first off, I'm going to jump RIGHT back into my DDPYoga schedule as soon as I can, and the training wheels are off! Here's what my week will look like:

Sunday: SU/RHC (or BTB/RHC)
Monday:Level 1 workout
Wednesday:'Free day' either a day off or mix-tape
Thursday: Level 1 workout
Friday: DC
Saturday: Level 1 workout

Now that looks tough on the surface, but fact of the matter is, I've done that before with no difficulty.

Second, and this is a HUGE one too...

I'm going plant-based!

So before I got sick, I was almost doing this anyway...I was having 2 pieces of protein, both of which I can easily replace with plant-based protein. I've spoken to virtually no one who's done it that has regretted it, including my Accountabilabuddy September who is going to help me adjust. That's starting tomorrow too!

Now to be 100% clear, I'm not swearing off meat forever and ever.....I'm not ready to do that right now, and frankly I don't want to. And making a food plan based around something you don't want to do is step one in not keeping the food plan going. Meat will, however become a treat. Now say it three times fast.

Wow...for those of you that only got used to me rambling on camera, this has probably been a long read huh? My next blog will be back on cam, I promise. I'll also say that for the record, I'd love not to have as long between them, but for the last few weeks Lathander has come first, as you'd expect. I love doing these blogs, but they're usually the bottom of my to do list and the first thing to get bumped :)

On that note, that's me for now. Peace folks! I'm out!

PS: My parents mentioned to me that they intended to give DDPYoga another try as of next week, to lose some weight and improve their general health and fitness. I wish them all the best in doing it, and look forward to seeing the results come Christmas :)

Friday, 8 August 2014

Vlog 08/08/14 - In which our hero has to name and shame a (very small and cute) DDPYoga student!!

Howdy folks!

I'm sorry it had to come to this...but what must be done must be done....

Ha!  Gotcha (yeah, not likely) 

So something I didn't mention in the video very briefly,  I haven't been NEARLY as active in the community the past few weeks as I've wanted to.  So look out for me getting MUCH more active on teamddpyoga, and the Facebook pages!

For not I gotta go cook, the fridge (a pet name for Suse...we're breastfeeding Lathander) requires foods! 

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Vlog 11/07/14 - In which our talk teaching others and the road to 200!

Howdy folks!

If you'd like to check out the DDPYoga community page for Cork, check it out at:

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Monday, 2 June 2014

Vlog 02/06/14 - In which our hero gives a quick guide on making vlogs!

Howdy folks!

It's a double header today!  First off, check out my weekly update:

For more information on Juice Plus, check out:

And as mentioned in that vid, here's my quick rough guide on how to create your own vlog:

And the links as mentioned are:

Windows Movie Maker:

Next blog is going to be one guest staring the very lovely September once again,  looking forward to it!

Friday, 30 May 2014

Questions From the Plank - Triva Edition! Episode 5

Howdy folks!

Yeah, bit of a short one here, gotta start filming these *before* my workouts.  Still delighted with the time.  Check it out!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Vlog 20/05/14 - In which our hero gives up caffiene!

Howdy folks!

So something we say a lot in DDPYoga is that you can never give up.  Of course, like all good rules, there are some exceptions....this is something you definitely CAN give up.  Find out how quitting caffeine this week worked out for me!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Vlog 05/05/14 - In which our hero gives a quick update!

Howdy folks!

So like it says, just a *really* quick update today, owning my DDPYoga, but also taking some quality time out for some R and R.  Still, there's some thank yous to be handed out and some quick bits and pieces to update!  Check it out!

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Vlog 26/04/14 - In which our hero invites a special guest!

Howdy folks!

So I was going to do a blog all about accountability partners, where to find one, what to look for etc.  But then I came up with a far more fun and entertaining way to hit the topic!  Check out my discussion live from Skype with my good buddy September after the jump!

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Vlog Special! - In which our hero can finally talk about it!

Howdy folks!

So for anyone who follows me here on the blog....and nothing DDPYoga related (here, there might be a few of you!  The first thing you're gonna wanna do is go watch this:

I've said it several places but a HUGE thank you to everyone involved.  Not only for the win, but for all your hard work on the video above and...well everything!  

So, how did I react to this news? Find out after the jump!

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Questions From the Plank - Triva Edition! Episode 3

Howdy folks!

An episode filled with sarcasm and Suse doing her ultimate warrior impression!  Check it our after the jump!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Vlog - 21/03/2014 - In which our hero hits the big 5k and talks positivity!

Howdy folks!

So yes, fair warning this is one of the LONG videos, but it's well worth it I promise! Check it out after the jump!

Monday, 17 March 2014

Questions From the Plank - Triva Edition! Episode 2

Howdy folks!

So it's possible the question book may have set the bar a little high on my new weekly show here....Check it out after the jump!

Friday, 14 March 2014

Vlog - 14/03/2014 - In which our hero begins *The road to 200!*

Howdy folks!

Today we're springboarding into a whole NEW phase of my journey! Check it out after the jump!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Questions From the Plank - Triva Edition! Episode 1

Howdy folks!

After far too long an absence, Questions From The Plank returns!  Check it out after the jump!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Vlog - 04/03/2014 - In which our hero completes day 6 of the 5 days of DC!

Howdy folks!

It's the FINAL day of my Diamond Cutter challenege!  Check out how it went below:

A HUGE thanks to all once again!

Stay tuned later in the week for a very special vid, my review of the Cardiff Q and A!

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Vlog - 02/03/2014 - In which our hero completes day 5 of the 5 days of DC!

Howdy folks!

It's day 5!  Find out how it went below!

So yes, we're going to do a day *6* of the 5 days of DC, crazy stuff!  I may not be in a position to post the video tomorrow, but I'll sure as hell be recording it, so stay tuned!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Vlog - 01/03/2014 - In which our hero completes day 4 of the 5 days of DC!

Howdy folks!

Bit of a stumble on this one....oh the perils of poor scheduling!

Now, do we let a stumble stop us for long? Hell no!  Stay tuned for day 5 where I'll be getting this challenge back on track,  BANG!

Friday, 28 February 2014

Vlog - 28/02/2014 - In which our hero completes day 3 of the 5 days of DC!

Howdy folks!

It's the hump day for my DDPYoga challenge.  Did I own it?  Find out below!

See you all day 4! *BANG!*

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Vlog - 27/02/2014 - In which our hero completes day 2 of the 5 days of DC!

Howdy folks!

Did day 2 go as well as day 1?  Let's watch and find out!

And if you didn't see it on Facebook, here's me showing off what it looks like when you drop from a 57 inch waist to a *36*...

Stay tuned for day 3!  BANG!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Vlog - 26/02/2014 - In which our hero completed day 1 of the 5 days of DC!

Howdy folks!

So I really can't think of a better way to start the 5 days of DC challenge than by hitting a LONG attempted milestone.

Stay tuned for day 2 tomorrow!  Never underestimate the power of your own enthusiasm!  BANG!

Monday, 24 February 2014

Vlog - 24/02/2014 - In which our hero moves house, is going on vacation, and sets another challenge!

Howdy folks!

So, it's time for a challenge!

So, no real rules to this one, I do Wake up, Diamond Cutter and energy, 5 days straight.  Easy stuff right? :)

 More videos this week!

Friday, 31 January 2014

Vlog - 31/01/2014 - In which our hero recovers from the plague!

Howdy folks!

So could I keep my DDPYoga going despite having a REALLY nasty flu this week?  Find out after the jump!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

In which our hero shows some gratitude!

Howdy folks! 

Just a quick blog this week as I'm having a very *long* day.  Still staying chipper though, check it out after the jump!

Friday, 17 January 2014

In which our hero makes a celebratory treat!

Howdy folks!

So in light of mine and Suse celebrating, I decided to bake a ring cake!  Further proof that living a gluten and dairy free lifestyle doesn't have to stop you having treats every now and then!

Wanna find out how to make one? Check it out after the jump!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

In which our hero continues his soup obsession and gets rid of some festive leftovers!

Howdy folks!

Whilst we're all chanting to get my fair lady in front of the camera (and you ARE all still chanting, aren't you?), I figured it was time to take advantage of my local supermarket desperately trying to ditch all the stock it over-purchased for Christmas, specifically this week, we're making curried parsnip soup!

Look good to you?  Find out how to make it after the jump!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Vlog - 07/01/2014 - In which our hero talks day 365 baby!

Howdy folks!

So I thought we'd celebrate my 1 year anniversary of DDPYoga by taking a look at just how far I've come.  Check it out after the jump!