My DDPYoga transformation!

Friday, 31 January 2014

Vlog - 31/01/2014 - In which our hero recovers from the plague!

Howdy folks!

So could I keep my DDPYoga going despite having a REALLY nasty flu this week?  Find out after the jump!

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

In which our hero shows some gratitude!

Howdy folks! 

Just a quick blog this week as I'm having a very *long* day.  Still staying chipper though, check it out after the jump!

Friday, 17 January 2014

In which our hero makes a celebratory treat!

Howdy folks!

So in light of mine and Suse celebrating, I decided to bake a ring cake!  Further proof that living a gluten and dairy free lifestyle doesn't have to stop you having treats every now and then!

Wanna find out how to make one? Check it out after the jump!

Thursday, 9 January 2014

In which our hero continues his soup obsession and gets rid of some festive leftovers!

Howdy folks!

Whilst we're all chanting to get my fair lady in front of the camera (and you ARE all still chanting, aren't you?), I figured it was time to take advantage of my local supermarket desperately trying to ditch all the stock it over-purchased for Christmas, specifically this week, we're making curried parsnip soup!

Look good to you?  Find out how to make it after the jump!

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Vlog - 07/01/2014 - In which our hero talks day 365 baby!

Howdy folks!

So I thought we'd celebrate my 1 year anniversary of DDPYoga by taking a look at just how far I've come.  Check it out after the jump!